2 min readOct 28, 2022


It’s not going to be easy. It was hard laying on the floor of the Peninsula Building looking out of the window, daydreaming saying, Les, can you do this? Can you make this happen? I used to listen to tapes day in and day out about see you at the top. My great friend Zig and Dennis Wagle and different other motivational speakers and Dr. Norman, Vincent Peele and Dex is saying.

Don’t let nobody steal your dream.

I used to ask myself, Can I do this? And something set within me. You’re the one. You’re the one. And let me tell you something, ladies and gentlemen. Write down at least five reasons on why you deserve your dream. What’s going to make you unstoppable? Why? You must be unreasonable. Because logical, practical thinking says you can’t do it today. But if you want to produce unreasonable results in your life, like living your dreaming, taking charge of your destiny, you’ve got to be an unreasonable person. You’ve got to be an uncommon person. So write down the reasons of why you are here. My first major goal was to buy my mother a home. And let me tell you something, ladies and gentlemen, what will reasons do? Les Nietzsche said, if you know the wife for doing, you can endure almost anyhow. Your reasons will be your rod and staff to comfort you, to pick you up once again, I got a saying on one of my tastes. If life knocks you down, try and land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up.

In life, people don’t burn out because of what they do. People burn out because life makes them.

Forget why they do.

But when the purpose is intact, when the mission is intact, when it’s about something greater than themselves, the opposition, adversity and the challenges are part of the journey.

I need a mission. We all need a mission. That’s what life should be, is a mission. That’s what gives your life purpose and focus and drive and ultimately, satisfaction.

Problems with some of you are the reason why you don’t give 120% every doggone time you get on the field, because you ain’t got a why for what you do. You ain’t got a why. If y’all gonna be great on that field, you gotta have a why. You gotta have a reason for why you do what you do. Why? Why do you wake up in the morning? Why do you put on that jersey? Why do you go out and practice?

Work on your list of whys. One of the big thrusts for success is to come up with a strong enough why. And if the why is powerful, the how is easy.




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